Feniex Quad Color lights on the 2019 Ram Power Wagon

Описание к видео Feniex Quad Color lights on the 2019 Ram Power Wagon

With the events of 2020 not allowing any big public events like marathons etc to run, I never took the time to move the lights that were on my f150 over to my power wagon.

Well in that amount of time, the new Feniex Quad stuff came out and I had to have it. So i began ratholing money away to save up for this upgraded gear and to put it on the truck.

Late 2020, I ordered up a Feniex Quad Visor Bar for the Power Wagon, and a rear 8 position (or 800) Quad bar. Hooking this up to the quad converter is pretty straight forward. Power, Sync wires, and that's it! You just program your settings in the quad converter, power on the modes, and you're in business!

This is the "final product" install video in the power wagon of the front and rear bars, side lighting is not installed yet because I'm waiting to see if they come out with a single quad light that uses the same sync wire setup or not.

If you have any questions post em in the comments, but I'm pretty dang happy with how this came out!


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