How to jailbreak iPhone iOS 12.1.4

Описание к видео How to jailbreak iPhone iOS 12.1.4


hi guys let us do something with our iPhone ;)

Preparing works,download these tools:

1.Cydia Impactor url:

2.unc0ver tool(fit for ur device) url: press the *.ipa to down load.

attentions:My device is iPhone10,3 iPhoneX A11 so i use unc0ver v3.3.7 u can choose the right version 4 ur device!

3.use ur appleid( to generate a APP-SPECIFIC password:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX like this and copy it in clipboard.

4.then connect ur device to computer(make sure u intall iTunes first) by using cable line

drop the undeciumsv3.3.7 into Cydia Impactor type in the appleid and the password(APP-SPECIFIC password:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) into "Cydia

Impactor" tap start to apply,after working u will see the unc0ver on ur

device's springboard.

works on PC has done,let's change to iPhone!

on device:

1.clik the unc0ver to jailbreak,tools setting like me chose,

2.after respring,you can see cydia on your springboard.

3.all tweaks i used i will put it on video's details, ofcause the repo source!

enjoy your jailbreaking!

any questions comment in this video,i will reply as soon as possible! thanks............................


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