SCHWIND AMARIS 500E - The compact excimer laser from one of the technology leaders.

Описание к видео SCHWIND AMARIS 500E - The compact excimer laser from one of the technology leaders.

The SCHWIND AMARIS 500E can be used with all standard laser treatment methods, including SCHWIND’s touch-free SmartSurfACE with its faster healing and faster vision recovery than with traditional surface treatments.
With SCHWIND CAM treatment planning, the AMARIS product family covers a uniquely broad range of applications.

With its 500 Hz repetition rate and 5D eye tracking, the SCHWIND AMARIS 500E is a fast, efficient and precise eye laser system for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery. The very fine 0.54 mm laser spot it shares with all SCHWIND AMARIS lasers enhances the precision and smooth corneal modelling of this device. It offers all of this in a compact, space-saving package.

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