iPhone Filmmaking - FiLMiC Pro Log Version 2

Описание к видео iPhone Filmmaking - FiLMiC Pro Log Version 2

On today's episode of The Piedmont Motion Picture Show, we're taking a look at FiLMiC Pro LogV2, testing it out and even made a short little film using it and our iPhone 8 Plus.

FiLMiC Pro Log Version 2 upgrades the color profile to give you up to 12 stops of dynamic range on the latest iPhones and an improved bit rate as well.

Don't have a new iPhone XS? Don't worry, this upgrade will improve the quality of older iPhone models as well.

Watch our most recent in-depth FiLMiC Pro tutorial here:    • iPhone Filmmaking - In-Depth Filmic P...  

Watch how to access the cinematographer's kit and the Log V2 color profile here:    • iPhone Filmmaking - FiLMiC Pro Cinema...  
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This channel is dedicated to North Carolina filmmaker, Ryan Camp. This channel features Filmmaking Tutorials, Music Video Tutorials, how to be a Filmmaker Videos, Filmmaking Tips & Tricks, Behind the Scenes, Short Films, Cinematography Tutorials, How to Make Better Videos Tutorials, Video Editing Tutorials, Adobe Premiere Tutorials, Adobe After Effects Tutorials, Gear Reviews, Gear Tutorials, & More! New Videos are Posted Every Week!

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