EKG Sinus Rhythm Interpretation For Beginners - How to read Graph paper and Sinus Rhythms

Описание к видео EKG Sinus Rhythm Interpretation For Beginners - How to read Graph paper and Sinus Rhythms

Read Cardiac Rhythms Introduction
Simulator used in video https://skillstat.com/ecg-sim-page/

EKG Waveform
EKG waveforms are displayed on monitors or paper. These EKG tracings have important features which can be analyzed to reveal a normal or an abnormal rhythm (a dysrhythmia).

EKG can include various waveform components which are can be interpreted to understand if the EKG is a sinus rhythm or abnormal:

P Wave
PR Interval
PR Segment
QRS Complex
QT Interval
ST Segment

The P wave indicates atrial depolarization, and it is normally an upward deflection in the EKG tracing. Next the QRS complex indicates ventricle depolarization. It typically starts with a negative deflection, then a large positive movement and then a negative movement, the S wave. A T wave normally follows the QRS complex. It is typically an upwards waveform, indicating repolarization of the ventricles. Intervals such as the PR interval, PR segment, QT interval and ST segment can also be analyzed to understand the heart's condition.

Cardiac Rhythm Course
A good starting point for learning cardiac rhythm analysis is this free training module. https://ekg.academy/learn-ekg-intro


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