INACRAFT 2023 ‼️ Walking Around Indonesia Craft Exhibition at Jakarta Convention Center March 2023

Описание к видео INACRAFT 2023 ‼️ Walking Around Indonesia Craft Exhibition at Jakarta Convention Center March 2023

Location Maps :

INACRAFT is the largest craft exhibition in Indonesia which accommodates artisans throughout Indonesia. On our way, we created the INACRAFT Marketplace to accommodate artisans throughout Indonesia for online transactions.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia invites the participation of Datuk/Datin/Tuan/Puan as buyers/visitors at The 23th Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair (INACRAFT) 2023 which will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Indonesia from 01 to 05 March 2023

Inacraft was founded on the initiative of the Association of Indonesian Handicraft Exporters and Producers (ASEPHI). ASEPHI itself was formed in 1975 with the aim of uniting the aspirations of artisans and craft entrepreneurs so that they can stand on their own and become professional entrepreneurs who can support national development.

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