Meet Ar. Shahid Abdulla's thought-provoking video was shot in his own home.

Описание к видео Meet Ar. Shahid Abdulla's thought-provoking video was shot in his own home.

Sustainable and long-use houses are designed to be environmentally friendly and energy efficient, while also being built to last for many years. These types of houses are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably.
There are several key features that make a house sustainable and long-lasting. These can include using energy-efficient appliances and lighting, installing solar panels or other renewable energy systems, using sustainable building materials such as recycled or locally sourced materials, and designing the house to maximize natural light and ventilation.
Ar. Shahid Abdulla's thought-provoking video, shot in his own home, gives us all some food for thought.
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