Odissi performance by Sutra Principal Dancers, Tan Mei Mei & Geethika Sree

Описание к видео Odissi performance by Sutra Principal Dancers, Tan Mei Mei & Geethika Sree

Recently Sutra principal dancers, Tan Mei Mei & Geethika Sree were invited by Shri Bijoy Shivram (Vice Principal, JG College of Performing Arts, Ahmedabad) to perform Odissi for their online festival - Gurudakshina.

Sutra videographer, Rabby captures Mei Mei & Geethika in a compelling video, performing two compositions of different qualities - Mangalacharan Durga & Sthai, composition of Guru Durga Charan Ranbir and Guru Debaprasad Das respectively, in the inimitable Sutra creative spirit, framed in the galleries of KamaRia & Sutra.

Sutra Foundation
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Principal Dancers
Tan Mei Mei & Geethika Sree

Artistic Direction
Datuk Ramli Ibrahim

Duet Composition
Tan Mei Mei & Geethika Sree

Video & Editing
Mohd Rabby
Geethika Sree

Mangalacharan (Durga)
Dance Composition : Guru Durga Charan Ranbir
Video Direction : Sutra Collectives
Artworks : Suasana at KamaRia Gallery

We begin with the Mangalacharan, an invocatory dance paying homage to Mahisasuramardini - the terrific form of the Mother Goddess, ending with a salutation to the audience.

Dance Composition: Guru Debaprasad Das
Video Direction: Sivarajah Natarajan
Artworks: Kerana…by Sivarajah Natarajan at Sutra Gallery

Sthai, a classic composition of the late Guru Debaprasad Das, is a pure dance woven around a garland of musical syllables (Tham thei tha kititaka Tha hum tha hatha tha). The Sthai is related to sculptural poses found in the Silpa Sastra (Treatise on Temple architecture) and explores verses from the Silpa Sastra relating to the vinadhara (vina player), Abhimana (shy maiden) and mardal player (drummer).


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