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為了探索土沉香、香港與香港人之間的深厚聯繫,THE KONGNER 團隊踏遍山水,深入香港東北的偏遠角落,訪問了該區的原居民眉豆姐和二佬。面對村落附近土沉香多年來的非法砍伐和家鄉環境的破壞,他們分享了自身的真實經歷與感受,並表達了對村莊的深厚情感與連結。此外,紀錄片還邀請了兩位專業人士,分享他們對香港土沉香保育情況及香港文化身份認同的見解與思考。

這部紀錄片將帶領觀眾深入了解並反思香港人與香港之間的聯繫是如何形成的。當香港、香港人與土沉香都背負着「香」之名,三者的命運又是如何交織在一起的?這便是《NARRATIVITY: 香 Heung》的起點。

Names are the most powerful words in the world. They are something that every person in modern society is born with. Without names, we would lose the ability to recognize people and things. Our understanding of a name may be limited to a title, but it also represents an emotional connection. Only by knowing a name can we establish a connection with the people and things we are involved with. When we take on a name, we also take on an identity, and we need to understand where that identity comes from.

THE KONGNER embarked on a journey to the remote northeastern corners of Hong Kong to delve into the connection between incense trees, Hong Kong, and its people. We had the privilege of interviewing two indigenous inhabitants, Windy and Billy. They shared their personal experiences, the emotional toll of years of illegal logging of agarwood, and the deep affection they hold for their village.

Furthermore, we had the honor of hosting two professionals who shared their invaluable insights on the conservation of incense trees in Hong Kong and the city’s cultural identity. Their expertise added a layer of depth to our exploration.

This documentary is a journey that will lead you to a deeper understanding and reflection on the roots of our connection with Hong Kong. As we explore the intertwined destinies of Hong Kong, Hongkongers, and the incense trees, all named “incense”(香), we invite you to ponder on the starting point of our documentary.
Executive Producer Micah Cheng
Art Director Renatus Wu
Edited by Matthew Cheung
Music by Hanz Au
Cinematography by Matthew Cheung, Alex Ng
Produced by Hoi Cheung, Ringo Wong
Directed by Hoi Cheung, Matthew Cheung
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