Worldline's insights into the future of payments and virtual spaces at Money 20/20

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Step into the realm of payment innovation as Niklaus Santschi, Head of Merchant Services at Worldline, takes centre stage at Money 20/20 Europe.

Amidst the ever-changing landscape of consumer behaviours, evolving regulations, and rapid technological advancements, Niklaus Santschi shares valuable insights on accepting payments quickly, securely, and with simplicity. Worldline's payment innovations have the potential to propel businesses into new realms of growth.

Niklaus shed light on key topics such as the transformative power of AI, the emergence of A2A payments, and the significance of omnichannel experiences in shaping the payment sector. With exciting developments on the horizon for 2023, Niklaus unveiled Worldline's achievements and milestones, underlining the company's ongoing global expansion and continued growth.

Technological advancements took centre stage, as Niklaus emphasised the rise of generative AI and its profound impact on the payment industry. As Worldline extends its global reach, Niklaus expressed the company's unwavering commitment to supporting clients worldwide. Seamless and reliable services, including comprehensive checkout support, efficient chargeback handling, and all-encompassing payment-related functions, take precedence.

Ultimately, Worldline's vision revolves around providing merchants with a unified portal, streamlining their operations, and offering a clear overview of their transactions, all within a seamless user experience.


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