Prof. Sven Modell “The Use of Institutional Theory in Social and Environmental Accounting Research”

Описание к видео Prof. Sven Modell “The Use of Institutional Theory in Social and Environmental Accounting Research”

Online Seminar on:
“The Use of Institutional Theory in Social and Environmental Accounting Research: A Critical Review”
Friday 15 September 2023 at 5 pm Cairo time.
Speaker: Professor. Sven Modell
Sven Modell is a Professor of Management Accounting at Alliance Manchester Business School, he received his PhD in Business Administration from Lund University, Sweden in 1998. Prior to joining Alliance Manchester Business School in 2007 he held a Chair in Accounting at Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden. He also holds Visiting Professorships at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Norway, and Turku School of Economics, Finland. He has previously been a Visiting Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Australia, and an Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He currently serves as Editor of Journal of Management Accounting Research and Associate Editor of Accounting and Business Research and the European Accounting Review and sits of the editorial boards of a number of other, leading accounting journals. In addition, he is an Editor of the European Accounting Association's PhD Mentoring Initiative, which is a forum where doctoral students in accounting can receive advice and feedback on their research proposals and ongoing research work. Between 2019 and 2022, he served as International Director and Chair of the International Committee of the American Accounting Association Management Accounting Section and was also a member of the Executive Committee of the section. He is the recipient of several research awards, most recently for his paper "Rethinking performativity: a critical realist analysis of accounting for corporate social responsibility" (co-authored with Max Baker at the University of Sydney) which received the Mary Parker Follett Award for Outstanding Paper in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal in 2019.

Organized by Mohamed Elsalkh, Founder and Administrator of "Egyptian Online Seminars in Business, Accounting and Economics"
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