How to Survive Being Stranded in the Desert, According to Science

Описание к видео How to Survive Being Stranded in the Desert, According to Science

People are delicate creatures. We need a lot of water, and we need the temperature to be 'just so.' So, a desert is the last place you'd want to be stranded. People have come to enjoy the comforts of life, and the only place anyone wants to be stranded in is the champagne bar at a spa. Desert temperatures can be deadly, with days reaching highs of 49°C (120°F) and nights dropping to as cold as -18°C (0°F). So, how do you make it out alive?

Underknown shows take you to the frontiers of science, tell the greatest underknown stories from history and make the most complex ideas and theories entertaining and accessible. Underknown takes you beyond the familiar to explore, question and marvel at the magnificent vagaries of life on Earth and the Universe and ponder our best hopes for our planet, our lives, our children and our future.


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