Sarah Churchwell on Expertise

Описание к видео Sarah Churchwell on Expertise

Everyone has experience, and the deeper your experience of a given subject or area, the greater your expertise. In our 30 Reformations series at Hay Festival 2017, Sarah Churchwell asks: in a culture that trumpets anti-intellectualism, how might we reconcile and re-present academic expertise and practical experience?

Churchwell is professorial fellow in American literature and chair of public understanding of the humanities at the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

Our 30th anniversary coincided with the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his Theses to the door at Wittenberg. So we invited international thinkers at our festivals around the world to propose their reformations of institutions and authorities, re-imagining the world.

You can watch the full hour-long event, including the Q&A, over on our Hay Player now:

We'll be releasing other reformations daily from now to the end of the year - subscribe and be the first to see them.


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