Get to know me! ✌🏻📸 Polaroid OneStep2 Viewfinder i-Type Camera unboxing

Описание к видео Get to know me! ✌🏻📸 Polaroid OneStep2 Viewfinder i-Type Camera unboxing

Watch in HD! Finally back in the office to submit a document and access a better internet connection ~ A friendly reminder though to stay at home and go out only for essential travels! Keep safe!

✰ Channels I mentioned:
Hannah Elise -    / hannahelise63  
Tiffany Weng -    / tiffanyweng  
Amy Flight -    / @amyflight  
Dobochobo -    / dobochobo  
Alyanna Ross -    / alyannaross  
Bianca Gan -    / biancagan  
Avelovinit -    / avelovinit  
(Idk why I forgot this but) I am currently obsessed with Bestdressed -    / bestdressed  
👉🏻 We can also connect through these platforms:
◦ Facebook:   / ​  
◦ Instagram:   / themhayonnaise​  
◦ Goodreads:   / themhayonnaise  
◦ TikTok:   / themhayonnaise  
◦ Twitter:   / themhayonnaise​  
◦ Blog:​
[email protected]


✰ Music by Martian - Not Sorry -


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