His World Remix - My Destination

Описание к видео His World Remix - My Destination

Haha, hello everyone! I am not dead yet. ^^ I'm going to start uploading again.

Remix of: His World
Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
Remix By: NemesisTheory

Visit NemesisTheory on Newgrounds!

View the song and download it here!

Ahh NemesisTheory, we meet yet again. I seem to run into him a lot when searching for amazing remixes. This one is no doubt very, VERY pleasing to the Sonic in my soul.

Well done NemesisTheory, you've done it yet again.

I do NOT claim this music as my own. I am not using it for anything other than posting it up here for others to enjoy. I am in no way making profit, and am in now way selling this music for other purposes. The remix belongs to NemesisTheory, and him alone.


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