Ceaser Cipher Method | Computer Science 9th class | Chapter no 4 Data and Privacy | Info pack.

Описание к видео Ceaser Cipher Method | Computer Science 9th class | Chapter no 4 Data and Privacy | Info pack.

Ceasar Cipher | Data and Privacy | Computer Science 9th class | Chapter no4 | Info pack.

This video lecture is taken from 9th class computer science chapter no 4 #data_and_privacy and the topic is Ceasar cipher method.

Ceasar was a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the rise of the Roman Empire. Ceasar used this method of encryption for sending messages to his soldiers and generals. This is the reason for calling this method as Ceasar cipher. In this method, we replace each alphabet in the plaintext by another alphabet. The replacing alphabet is some fixed number of steps to the left or right of original alphabet in the sequence of alphabets.

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