Chamkila Special | Ghadiya Milade Kehandi |Pattua Pattan |Sarwan Kumar | Teri Khatar |Dat Khol Mitra

Описание к видео Chamkila Special | Ghadiya Milade Kehandi |Pattua Pattan |Sarwan Kumar | Teri Khatar |Dat Khol Mitra

Welcome to Amar Singh Chamkila Hits — a compilation of some of the most unforgettable songs from the legendary Chamkila! Known for his powerful voice and raw energy, Chamkila revolutionized Punjabi music with his unique blend of bhangra rhythms and folk melodies. This video features Chamkila De Shaandaar Geet, including his most iconic tracks that have stood the test of time and continue to inspire music lovers across the world.

🎧 Enjoy the music, feel the rhythm, and don’t forget to dance along!

👍 Be sure to like, share, and subscribe for more great Punjabi hits and musical treasures! ‪@ChamkilaDeShaandaarGeet-q9e‬

Ghadiya Milade Kehandi
Pattua Pattan Nu Phirde
Sarwan Kumar
Teri Khatar Heerecommentary
Dat Khol Mitra
Majnu Te Laila Dakta Part 1 Sawal O Jawab

#amarsinghchamkila #chamkilahits #punjabimusic #chamkiladeshaandaargeet #punjabifolkmusic #chamkilasongs #punjabibhangra #punjabilegends #classicpunjabimusic #punjabiculture #punjabihits #chamkilafans #oldpunjabisongs #punjabisoulmusic #chamkilabestsongs #punjabimelodies #chamkilahits2024


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