WHEAT BEER LOVERS! If you think TRAPPIST beers are good, wait till you try the FRANZISKANER!

Описание к видео WHEAT BEER LOVERS! If you think TRAPPIST beers are good, wait till you try the FRANZISKANER!

Much like Trappist beers, Franziskaner beers seems to have been made with some monkhood collaboration, but do you know what naturtrüb means in German? Watch on to find out if this naturtrub-y beer is going to be to your liking!

Note that this video is a personal opinion to be used as a guide and not a standard. Let me know what you think in the comments! Do help me share this video!

Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Images: https://unsplash.com/ https://cleanpng.com

#honestreview #review #beer


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