Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

Описание к видео Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

The hilarity that this game provides is nearly endless. I can just load up this game, play any level, and just laugh my ass off. Nothing is real in the game? Not a thing, You go through it all! The buildings, the bridges en even the wall at the edge of the world. One good thing though, it gives you complete freedom. No longer are you bound to conform and drive on the road! No longer are you bound to the laws set by Galileo and Newton! The AI in this game is Hilarious. It just drives in a pre determined line to the finish. You can't lose. Even if you let your opponent get to the finish first it will stop right before the finish line!! The game presents you with a simple line of text for your victory "You're winner!"

Big Rigs received universally negative reviews with the critics considering it to be the worst video game ever. Thunderbolt Games stated, "I wish I could think of some redeeming factors for the game, but there simply aren't any" and gave the game a score of 1/10. It was also featured on the X-Play "Games You Should Never Buy" segment. Morgan Webb, one of the hosts, described Big Rigs as "the worst game ever made," and refused to even rate it as their 1/5 rating system did not feature a 0 score. Netjak had its code rewritten just to give the game its first ever 0.0. Alex Navarro of GameSpot declared that Big Rigs is "as bad as your mind will allow you to comprehend." In the special "frightfully bad games" video, Navarro stated, "This game received the lowest score in the history of GameSpot, a 1.0. And by lowest, I mean it can't go any lower. We don't hand out zeros, but maybe we should have for Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing."


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