Halo 3: Epic Flag Run

Описание к видео Halo 3: Epic Flag Run

In memory of Martin, the flag runner and my best friend.
Still miss you, bruh.
June 17, 1988 - December 19, 2009


Note that this match happened a loooong time ago, like 1 or 2 months after Halo 3 was released, so, we didn't know about the drop/pickup tecnique back then (ok, thats from halo 1, from wthat ive heard, but I never played CTF before halo 3 xD). Also, the Flag Runner is not me, per se, its a RL friend, a true n00b, playing as a guest. I posted the video cuz all o'this happened at my place. The real "me" is the hammer dude who gets splattered by the chopper (lol). So, it is epic, and a clear example of n00b luck.
Available at my file share. Gamertag: Van Zeph

-Thnx to Bungie for both Game 'n' Music ;D-


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