Golden Spiral 100% deathless

Описание к видео Golden Spiral 100% deathless

Best accomplishment in my life ever... or is it really, if i've only spent like 3-5 hours on this across 3 sessions ? When I thought it would take months ?
Well, it might not hold the crown of being my most intense grind. Against all impossible odds. But it sure is one of my best global, resounding, crowning achievements of all of my time. The ultimate meme challenge is real.

7 trinket get (4 base = 11 total in my career)
Run up to the trinket: 23. Five who made it past the two rooms (awful), three who made it to the second half, and one on the lottery (for that terminology, check previous Golden Spiral videos) which is here. That and 0 second half chokes. I just...

Only 7 people (less than Nova), and less with proof, have collected this trinket as of 2022, so 11 years since this level's release.
The latest victor, Not Sure, who had way better gameplay than in my 12 hour grind where I got insane lottery luck, in 15 hours, died 20 times on the last room alone before being allowed clear path. He never wanted to have anything to do with it again.
When I went for it again, in my Golden Spiral killing spree almost a year ago, it took me 7 additional hours of hell, with similar circumstances as Not Sure.
Why did I ? Because it's been so long since the last time, that I was too curious for my own good to see how my skill had evolved. And it being such a mesmerizingly difficult, connecting with god kind of madness challenge, it was perfect.
What's more, no one had ever gotten it more than once. Nor anyone wanted to. Because it takes for most (great) players over 20 bullshit hours. Spiking to 30, according to data.
A dreadful history.

Fun tidbits about the grind and run :
- It's pretty crazy (well of course), because before this attempt, in my session I had gotten 3 back-to-back final gap deaths that were played the exact same way and who died on the exact position. Even though I'd say this would happen only 1/3 of the time, I was pretty worried about thinking it was gonna happen again and again. I didn't know what made it happen. Though it is part of the lottery.
- The run that you are witnessing, was my very last attempt of the third session. And you can be sure that I harassed my brain about this, I was clear-cut about stopping given that I had to get some sleep. And saying this, I actually felt a bit of heat in my head when getting to Step Aside. You know, telling yourself that this run has to be it, it has to count for something, there is no other way. Though when I got past it, that sensation went away.
- When the absolute impossible happened (reminder that at this point, I had not even made an attempt to the lottery. And the odds to get through that, I'd say are about 10% or less). For a second I didn't feel anything. But then my head had this weird sensation I don't think I've ever experienced before. I can't quite tell it, but I feel like associating it to taking aspirin or having a headache ? Even thouh I barely if ever get those. My throat got dry too, but only for a moment. Nerve wise, it did affect my performance for the last room by flipping way too early to my liking, but just like with Dimension 333333, the VVVVVV gods took mercy on me.
- I one time almost got the trinket twice in a row... and because of a half-assed promise I made, I will now have to make that come true. I wonder how hard it is to double compared to the purgatory of Supernova. Maybe that latter one might be harder, though I'm nowhere as good as I am with this yet.
- Although I did necessarily think it would happen, but getting sub 2 minutes on this this was another dream of mine. Here, I was so close to not getting it. Sure, I could've been faster in some spots with fast and more risky strats. But first trying the lineclip, and not using pausing strat for
"Swing of the Spiral" (which I had developed but that alas didn't yield satisfactory results), can be argued that it was the reason I cut it in the first place. To me, this was another sign of the gods. If it were me, at this very moment, I would literally convert and worship the VVVVVV gods for the rest of my life. Time was 1:58:50.

I'd have loved this to have voice commentary, even if my reaction wasn't as bombastic as I thought (maybe cause I'm not that kinda guy). I wanted to, but I kept forgetting everytime I played.

With this, Golden Spiral is no more. Ever since my beginning killing spree days with this level, I had been on that spiral. And now, I have ridden the spiral. It's coming full spiral.

And as a first ever, all official custom levels are now 100% deathlessed (basically...).

Golden Spiral 0 death all trinkets is possible. It's not a pipe dream. It's a limit that's just been breached. And I know I still have more to improve.

Strats wise, I will elaborate in the comment section.
Links for footage of my grind sessions also there.

Golden Spiral is no more Playlist :    • Golden Spiral is no more  


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