Delubrum Reginae: Savage FULL GUIDE [FFXIV] - Learn how to survive in DRS In less than 20 minutes!

Описание к видео Delubrum Reginae: Savage FULL GUIDE [FFXIV] - Learn how to survive in DRS In less than 20 minutes!

Always wanted to try doing DRS, but scared of lengthy guides? Wait no longer! Here's a FULL (preparation + fights) DRS guide to learn everything important about this raid.

[⚠️ Some clips are sped up to show everything happening during some mechanics]

• My written guide:
• My personal recommendation for holsters:
(If you're running with a discord, please abide strictly by THEIR holsters! I'm linking this if you wanna prog with friends / FC only)
• My Twitch:   / hobitia  
• Super Chess guides playlist:    • Delubrum Reginae Savage: Queen's Edic...  

• NA DRS schedule:
• My personal recommendations:
Field Op Enjoyers:   / discord  
Crystalline Adventuring Forays and Expeditions:   / discord  
The Help Lines:   / discord  
(Sorry I haven't done a lot of runs in NA as I'm from EU, feel free to join other discords' progs though, I'm sure they're all lovely! I hope to make this list a bit bigger soon if I can join more NA runs!)

• EU DRS schedule:
• My personal (EN) recommendations:
Savage Slimes:   / discord  
Late Night:   / discord  
Lunar Forays Group:   / discord  
• Feel free to join other discords' progs if you talk FR, ES or DE. I can vouch for all of them!
Conclave d'Exploration (FR):   / discord  
Boreal Bridge (ES):   / discord  
Savage Lemmings (DE):   / discord  
Savage Slimes also occasionally does DE runs!   / discord  

• Additional tips:
BE RANK 25!! It's easy to attain thanks to Zadnor, and it gives you access to Resistance honors (if you finish the Zadnor story), powerful damage-oriented Lost Actions and 99 capacity in holster (remember to do the quest "Let me holster that for you" available in Gangos!).
Ask questions during the raid, even if it's to confirm stuff! Chances are there are one or several DRS vets in your party who will gladly answer.
Do NOT go AFK during fights. This is not BA. You may get raised in DRS if healers are using arises in combat (I personally HIGHLY recommend it! More people alive = more DPS, but also more people experimenting mechanics! It's not fun staying on the floor watching everyone else play.)
If we wipe, we have to leave the instance and will have to reuse our Pure Essences and Reraisers (which is why you need a few of both).
We do not lose our Essences or Actions upon death in DRS, but we lose our Reraisers. You'll need to reapply it each time you get raised.
You can open your holster window, and drag & drop objets (notably Reraisers and Light curtains) onto your hotbars.
You can make holster sets to make your life easier, up to 10!
If you die in the wall, untarget the boss. Do not sprint or use dashes, simply walk out back into the arena. You have a 6s invuln buff that will disappear if you do any action other than running.
Do not use any offensive Lost Actions in Slimes and Golems unless your Raid Leader calls to do so (this is the only exception).
As a DPS, keep your burst for adds phase on Stygimoloch Lord. Tanks and healers can use theirs immediately.

• Timestamps:
0:00 Introduction
0:10 Preparation
1:08 Frequently asked questions + general advice
3:47 Slimes and Golems
6:06 Trinity Seeker
7:09 Dahu
7:24 Queen's Guards
10:45 Bozjan Phantom
11:25 Trinity Avowed
14:37 Stygimoloch Lord
16:23 The Queen
19:04 Conclusion

(Sorry for my English, I'm just a lil frenchie trying me best)


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