云南咖啡庄园是如何种植/处理/品控的?云南咖啡现状如何? The Reality of Yunnan coffee, how they plant/process/control quality?

Описание к видео 云南咖啡庄园是如何种植/处理/品控的?云南咖啡现状如何? The Reality of Yunnan coffee, how they plant/process/control quality?

Thanks for the invitation of Yunlan Estate, which allowed me to study and record during the busiest season of coffee production. Behind each coffee bean, there are loads of labor and effort should been seen and appreciated.

For more stories about Yunnan coffee, you can check out the link:
   • 在云南西双版纳咖啡庄园工作,是什么体验?|Yunnan Xishuangb...  
00:00 Intro 引入
00:50 Planting and harvest 种植和采摘
01:30 Processing the beans 处理法
03:06 Quality control & cup testing 加工&品控
04:20 Life there & my thoughts 庄园日常&我的感受


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