【LSO-R3】Ninelie -REDSHiFT x Vesuvia remix-【レタス✩BLAZE】

Описание к видео 【LSO-R3】Ninelie -REDSHiFT x Vesuvia remix-【レタス✩BLAZE】

Hello this is our final entry for LSO! Thank you all for supporting us until now! We hope you enjoy our final BLAZE✩~!

Theme: “Ophiuchus - The representation of Apollo struggling with the huge serpent guarding Oracle of Delphi.“

"I grew tired of the answers I found in the footsteps of others...
A daydream grasped– that story and glory are behind the times."

Born under a star no one else recognizes, we bear a world of curses as the ones carrying the name of the serpent-bearer. The snakes of jealousy and restlessness have stolen our dreams, but we continue to fight, wrestling within in the gears of time. We will write our own story, embracing the truth and letting our silence resound. And one day, the sun will return and shine upon a destiny that we have forged for ourselves.

Song: Ninelie REDSHiFT x Vesuvia remix
Original artist: Aimer ft Chelly (EGOIST)
Remix arrangement / ext guitar: crashtest & @vesuviaproject / @idoyklik (   • [Koutetsujou no Kabaneri ED] Ninelie ...  )

Script: https://goo.gl/vvoJ1B
MP3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3us0s7zoil4...
Acapella: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h85moe55o7k...
Video DL: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4F3Jut

riza (   / 1001piecepuzzle  )
Hinoe (   / aqueoussky  )
Sohren (   / Канал  )
.exe (   / ramenaddict22  )
chesu (   / ch35u  )
CKun (   / @ckun1072  )


Pellichi (http://pellichi.deviantart.com/) (characters; sketch&line)
Ivetto (http://p-ivetto.deviantart.com/) (characters; color)
Naomi (http://naochiko.deviantart.com/) (bg)
Amuri (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=13...) (bg)
Hinoe (bg&props)


▒External Resources
Fire sounds by Porphyr https://freesound.org/people/Porphyr/...


Информация по комментариям в разработке