Live Birdcam - The Great tit Bird feeder. Heavy snow is expected!

Описание к видео Live Birdcam - The Great tit Bird feeder. Heavy snow is expected!

Heavy snow is expected new years eve.
I'm kinda glad, because that means less fireworks that scare wildlife.

Say NO to fireworks!

Back after approx 2 weeks of pause on the feeder as i discovered avian pox on one of the Great tits.
So i stopped the feeding, and took down all my feeders. I kept on looking everyday after sick birds, and so far i only saw the one i recorded on camera over 2 weeks ago.
So i decided to put up and mount all feeders again.
All type of birds is back again, except the Crested tit

I changed camera, from a Reolink RCL-511WA 5MP to a RLC-811WA 4K Ultra HD. I must say i felt like i downgraded TO a much worse camera. The FPS on the RLC-811WA is terrible and cannot be used on anything that move faster then a snail.
So i do not recommend RLC-811WA to anything else then a still picture camera.
So far Reolink support has not provided me with any answers why there Reolink RCL-811WA is a much worse camera. (i bought to 2, but that was a mistake)

Species seen on the feeder so far in 2024:

1. Granmeis / Willow tit
2. Kjøttmeis / Great tit
3. Gråfluesnapper / Spotted flycatcher
4. Løvsanger / Willow warbler
5. Bokfink / Eurasian chaffinch
6. Toppmeis / Crested tit
7. Bjørkefink / Brambling
8. Blåmeis / Eurasian blue tit
9. Nøtteskrike / Eurasian jay
10. Rødstrupe / European robin
11. Gransanger / Common chiffchaff
12. Skjære / Eurasian magpie
13. Ringdue / Common wood pigeon
14. Svarthvit fluesnapper / European pied flycatcher
15: Måltrost / Song thrush
16. Svartmeis / Coal tit
17. Svarttrost / Common blackbird
18. Dompap / Eurasian bullfinch
19. Mus/Mice


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