How to use “Made” in Sentence | Use of “Made in/Made by/ Made with/ Made From/ Made” in sentence.

Описание к видео How to use “Made” in Sentence | Use of “Made in/Made by/ Made with/ Made From/ Made” in sentence.

How to use “Made” in Sentence | Use of “Made in/Made by/ Made with/ Made From/ Made” in sentence.
How to use “Made” in Sentence | Use of “Made in/Made by/ Made with/ Made From/ Made” in sentence.
Welcome back with a new class and in this class we learn about different types of made like made in, made of, made by, made with, made from etc
Usage of “Made”
1. Made in
ڪنهن ملڪ، شهر مطلب ڪنهن جاءِ ۾ ڪا شيءِ ٺهي آهي ته ان لاءِ Made in استعمال ٿيندو.
The car is made in China
2. Made by
ڪا شيءِ ڪنهن ماڻهو، يا ڪنهن ڪمپني ٺاهي آهي ته ان لاءِ Made by استعمال ٿيندو.
This mobile is made by Samsung.
Made from / Made of
ڪا شيءِ ڪنهن مٽيريل مان ٺهيل آهي ته ان لاءِ made of يا made from استعمال ٿيندو.
The chair is made of wood
The paper is made from wood

Made up
ڪا شيءِ گهڻن عنصرن جي ٺهيل آهي ته ان سان Made up استعمال ٿيندو.
Animal bodies are made up of many cells.
Made with
هڪ يا هڪ کان وڌيڪ عنصرن جي ٺهيل شيءِ لاءِ Made with جو استعمال ٿئي ٿو. ياد رهي گهڻو ڪري کاڌي پيتي جي شين سان استعمال ٿيندو آهي.
This recipe is made with milk.

Made, Made in, made by, made with, made of, made from
How to use made in,
How to use made by,
How to use made of,
How to use made from,
How to use made with,
What is made?
Types of made.
Kinds of made
Sindhi knowledge factory
How to use “Made” in Sentence | Use of “Made in/Made by/ Made with/ Made From/ Made” in sentence.
Learn English grammar in Sindhi,
Learn All tense in Sindhi,
Learn English grammar Active voice in Sindhi,
Learn Complete English grammar in Sindhi,


How to use made, what is made, made, use of made in, use of made by, use of made of, use of made from, us of made with, made in, made with, made of, made from, made by, made in Sindhi, use made in Sindhi, types of made, preposition in Sindhi, English grammar in Sindh, Complete English grammar in Sindhi, All tense in Sindhi, in Sindhi, Sindhi, lecture in Sindhi, Sindhi lecture, Sindhi knowledge factory, sindhiknowledgefactory,.

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