Operation Overload: “Please check” – how pro-Russian propagandists’ try to manipulate newsrooms

Описание к видео Operation Overload: “Please check” – how pro-Russian propagandists’ try to manipulate newsrooms

Operation Overload uncovers a concerted effort to target fact-checkers, newsrooms, and researchers worldwide, depleting their resources and exploiting credible information ecosystems to propagate the Kremlin’s political agenda. The campaign operates through a coordinated email strategy, networks of Telegram channels, a multitude of inauthentic accounts on X (formerly Twitter), and an ecosystem of Russia-aligned websites, including the newly discovered Pravda network. The operation’s tactics include flooding media organisations with anonymous emails containing links to fabricated content and anti-Ukraine narratives, with a particular focus on France and Germany. Through collaboration with over 20 global media organisations, over 200 emails were collected and analysed, revealing a sophisticated and ongoing disinformation effort. Over 800 organisations were targeted via a network of fake accounts on X, demonstrating clear markers of coordinated inauthentic behaviour. Despite these indicators, X has consistently failed to curb the network’s activities, allowing many of these assets to remain active. A key tactic, termed “content amalgamation,” involves blending various content types to create cohesive, multi-layered stories. These stories are strategically amplified across platforms to instil a false sense of urgency among journalists and fact-checkers. Additionally, the operation involves impersonating legitimate Western media and individuals and linking false narratives to real-world events to enhance their credibility.

Watch our discussion with Guillaume Kuster from Check First to learn more!

Speaker: Guillaume Kuster, Check First

Moderator: Alexandre Alaphilippe, EU DisinfoLab

The opinions expressed are those of the speakers/authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of EU DisinfoLab. This webinar does not represent an endorsement by EU DisinfoLab of any organisation.


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