Are You Nervous Because Your Deposition Is Coming And You Don’t Know What To Expect?

Описание к видео Are You Nervous Because Your Deposition Is Coming And You Don’t Know What To Expect?

Are you nervous because your deposition is coming and you have no idea what it expect? In other words, what is a deposition and who are some of the “players” in the room?

If you are reading this educational article and you have the same feelings of nervousness, do not fret. You are not alone. For many people who have to have their deposition taken, the can be a host of emotions present. Let’s face it, testifying in a deposition is not something that most people do every day. By the end of this article, and accompanying video, you should have a better understanding of depositions and who will be in the room with you.

Before I go further, if you have an attorney, be sure to run your specific questions by your attorney, as they will be able to answer questions directly related to your situation. Remember, this is general information based on Maryland law and procedure.


What is a deposition? A deposition is essentially a question and answer session. One of the main purposes of a deposition is to get pre-trial testimony to help better understand the issues which may be present for trial.

You, as the witness will be asked a series of questions by an attorney from the other side, or by a pro se party (representing themselves without an attorney). If you have an attorney representing you, your attorney will also be present to listen to the questions and object to any improper questions.

If you do not understand a question, get clarification before you answer. What you do not want to do is answer a question that you did not understand. This is not the time to just “make things up.” Since your testimony will be recorded by a court reporter, you want to make sure that you are answering the questions to the best of your ability. In some instances, your testimony in your deposition might be used again in the future for the case.


Before you attend your deposition you need to be sure that you know what type of deposition you will attend. Some depositions will just have the witnesses present, attorneys, and a court reporter. Other depositions will have the previously mentioned participants, and a videographer. If your deposition will be recorded through video, be sure to dress appropriately, as the video can possibly be used later at trial.


Are you nervous because your deposition is coming? It is understandable to be a little nervous because you have to testify at a deposition. With that said, a lot of the nervousness is grounded in the fact many people do not have an idea about what to expect in a deposition, or who will be in the room with them as they testify. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding as to the process and what is ahead.

To speak with me further regarding a Maryland medical malpractice or birth injury case, give me a call at 301-850-4832. I answer questions like yours all the time. Add to this I would be happy to listen to your story.

Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC
2 Wisconsin Circle
Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815


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