How Much is Your Personal Injury Case Worth

Описание к видео How Much is Your Personal Injury Case Worth - Matt Powell, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer

There are three important factors that answer the question how much is your personal injury case worth. The three factors you need to determine how much your personal injury case is worth are liability, damages, and insurance coverage.

Factor 1: The first factor is liability of fault. In other words, whose fault was the accident? If you are involved in an accident that’s 100% the other person’s fault, the value of your claim increases. Even if you are partially at fault in an accident, you may still be able to make a recovery. However, how much your personal injury case is worth will generally be reduced by your percentage of fault.

Factor 2: The second factor or leg of the stool is damages or injuries caused by the accident. If you suffered severe and permanent, debilitating injuries that require ongoing medical care, how much your personal injury case is worth is higher. After an accident, if you didn’t go to the doctor or seek medical treatment then there’s no documentation of your injuries. So, if you didn’t miss any work or the accident didn’t affect your life in a meaningful way, then the your claim worth is low.

Factor 3: The third and final factor or leg of the stool is how much insurance coverage is available. Unfortunately, about 50% of cars in Florida do not carry BI, bodily injury, insurance. Without adequate UM, uninsured motorist, coverage in an accident with another person who doesn’t carry insurance, your claim probably has no value. If you had a big UM policy or if the other driver had a big insurance policy, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a big case. Remember, insurance is just one leg of the stool. The amount of damages you sustained and clear liability are equally as important.

Ultimately, how much your personal injury case is worth is a combination of these three important factors. An experienced personal injury trial lawyer will be able to estimate the true value of your claim. If you have any more questions, please feel free to call me at 1-844-MATTLAW. I would be glad to help you. - Matt Powell, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer


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