Devvortex Hack The Box | Zip-File Symlink | SQLI | LFI | Privilege Escalation | Open Beta Season 3

Описание к видео Devvortex Hack The Box | Zip-File Symlink | SQLI | LFI | Privilege Escalation | Open Beta Season 3

🔐 Welcome to another Hack The Box walkthrough! Join us as we explore the "Zipping" machine, a medium-difficulty Linux box featuring a range of attack vectors. In this tutorial, we'll cover the entire process, from identifying a file upload vulnerability to achieving root access through privilege escalation.

🛠️ Topics Covered:
1. File Upload Exploitation: Discover a web application vulnerability allowing a zip-file symlink attack, leading to arbitrary file-reads.
2. SQL Injection: Exploit the obtained information to perform SQL injection, enabling the writing of a PHP webshell to the filesystem.
3. LFI Vulnerability: Leverage the webshell through an LFI vulnerability to gain code execution.
4. Privilege Escalation: Analyze and reverse engineer a binary with sudo privileges, revealing a password. Exploit library injection to gain root access.

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#HackTheBox #ZippingHTB #EthicalHacking #Cybersecurity #FileUploadExploits #SQLInjection #LFI #PrivilegeEscalation #HTBWalkthrough


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