TEDxWoodsHole - Adam Lazarus - Look Insane, Be Kind, Talk Science

Описание к видео TEDxWoodsHole - Adam Lazarus - Look Insane, Be Kind, Talk Science

Adam's passion is ants, and he follows their trails through the nooks and crannies of our country and beyond. His fieldwork is a labor of politics as much as love—often the most exciting ants live on private land, our border with Mexico, or in vast federal tracts inhabited by some of the most interesting members (or nonmembers) of our society. This situation has brought Adam some hard-won ant discoveries, some lifelong friends, and a lot of stories.

"Look Insane, Be Kind, Talk Science" is a showcase of the dazzling ants with whom we share our home, and the complete strangers who have gone out of their way to help collect them.

Adam Lazarus has been drawn to ants almost since infancy. His current focus is on intelligence and behavior at the colony level, looking for rules that could apply to any swarm, including people. For the last nine years, he has studied bacterial endosymbiosis in ants at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He consults for education, government and television, and emphasizes public outreach in his work.


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