Rate Analysis: E.O Ordinary Brickwork for Face Brick

Описание к видео Rate Analysis: E.O Ordinary Brickwork for Face Brick

Greetings everyone, welcome to my channel and thank you for joining me today.

In this video, we're back in Bill No. 3 under the Masonry trade. Our focus today is on conducting a rate analysis for the item “Extra over ordinary brickwork for face brickwork.” This exercise will guide you through the steps to build up a rate for the extra over item for face bricks.

Here’s what the video covers:

Understanding the term Extra Over (E.O) Ordinary Brickwork: I explain what 'extra over' means in the context of the item of work we are discussing.

Rate Build-Up: A step-by-step guide on building up the rate for the E.O. item, including considerations for the additional costs for labor and materials.

#Brickwork #RateAnalysis #ConstructionCostEstimation #FaceBrick #Masonry #BuildingMaterials #ConstructionEducation


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