EC-136a (Basic Electrical Engineering.)

Описание к видео EC-136a (Basic Electrical Engineering.)

EC-136a dares to solve the supernode problem and supermesh problem of electrical circuits by Mathcad using the usual loop current method and node potential method. The AC circuit problem can be solved in one shot with Mathcad.
When finding a parametric solution with a symbolic engine, automatic labeling often does not work well for units. Since it is difficult to fix this automatically, we avoid this automatic labeling bug by predefining a symbol that is recognized as the same variable as the unit for one ×.
The impedance in series with the voltage source and the admittance in parallel with the current source can be mutually convertible, but we are solving various problems when this is broken and when there is a dependent power supply. Once you have a thorough understanding of the basics, you should learn the next step. It also shows solutions using complex numbers and strings, such as AC circuits and bridge circuits.

The EC series uses Mathcad Prime 10 and Maple 2022 to solve a variety of electrical circuit problems. In addition, compared to the previous year, the explanation part has been enhanced both on the screen and in the explanation. It not only solves electrical circuits, but also includes hints on how to solve them as much as possible, so it is for internal use that will be useful even after mastering electrical circuits.

Learn about electrical circuit problems in the best learning environment in Japan. Visualize the problem and get a bird's-eye view. Here we show you many problems that cannot be solved without using a computer. Conversely, it is also a problem that can be easily solved using a computer. Use the graphs to visualize the symptoms and resolve the problem of the system's response.


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