The Less You Live Ep 2: Not A Social Experiment Only Chaos

Описание к видео The Less You Live Ep 2: Not A Social Experiment Only Chaos

Welcome to the second ever episode of The Less You Know Live!!! We had a great first episode!!! Well this one will be a big ONE ALREADY!!! First time we will have guests on on right after the other! It's going to be wild. Come in if you want to join in on the fun. ( . Every 3pm PST / 6pm EST time we will broadcast a live video feed version of the podcast every week! 

The great thing about this platform is that even you the litener can sometimes join live in the call!!! A way so we can be more interactive with you our fans!

This episode is a edited version of the Live Show, we experiment and see what you guys think about it. We tweak it to sound like we are doing a live episode in person at some venue. We cut nothing out from the live show so dont worry you aren't missing anything I look at this like a little treat for people who are re-listening to it again. Some of the other things that are different is we edited so we are not overlapping in coversations as much. Hopefully this will be a pleasent episode for you guys.

AND NO!!! This wont replace the normal podcast. Every week we will have a Live Episode Tuesday and the Normal Podcast will go up then as well!!! Live Episodes will go up in Podcast form the week after.


So enjoy!

Intro & Outro: Macross 82-99

( Hosts: Brandon Babcock (  / ettubrandon  ) , André LaMilza (  / viruul  ) , Nicole Rodriguez (  / shnikkles  )


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