My PERFECT START In Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

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My PERFECT START In Minecraft Hardcore 1.21
I recently lost my hardcore world, and as much as it hurts to say goodbye to hundreds of hours of work, I have to move on. So today I'm loading up a new hardcore series, with the goal of creating some of the most immersive builds I've ever made in minecraft!
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timestamps -
00:00 - Phase 1 (The Basics)
02:54 - Phase 1 (Deputy Delgado)
03:40 - Phase 1 (Settling Down)
06:14 - Comment of The Day
07:26 - Phase 2 (Enchanter)
09:38 - Phase 2 (The Collector)
10:44 - Phase 2 (Prisoners With Jobs)
12:18 - Phase 2 (Bird Poop)
12:50 - The Best Deal of Your Life
13:35 - Phase 3 (Moss and Bone)
16:04 - Phase 3 (World Eater)
16:40 - Phase 3 (It's Not Just a Boulder)
17:23 - Interrupting Sheep
18:55 - Finale


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