氣炸香茅雞扒 Airfry Lemongrass Chicken Thighs 無油配方,皮脆肉滑 no oil recipe, tender meat with crispy skin

Описание к видео 氣炸香茅雞扒 Airfry Lemongrass Chicken Thighs 無油配方,皮脆肉滑 no oil recipe, tender meat with crispy skin

材料 ingredients :
550g 4塊無骨雞脾肉
four pieces of deboned chicken thighs

醃料 marinating sauce :
mix the following ingredients
1 tbs 米酒 rice wine
1 tbs 蠔油 oyster sauce
1 tbs 魚露 fish sauce
1/2 tbs 檸檬汁 lemon juice
1 tbs 蜜糖 honey
1 tbs 香茅碎 ground lemongrass
1/2 tbs 香茅粉 lemongrass powder
if lemongrass powder is not available, add 1 more tbs ground lemongrass instead)

做法 procedures :
1. 抓勻醃料,醃30分鐘
rub seasonings in the thighs. Marinate for 30 mins
2. 置雞扒於氣炸籃,雞皮向上
place thighs into the airfry basket, skin facing upward
3. 掃上餘下醃料於雞皮
brush the marinating sauce left on the skin
4. 置預熱好的氣炸箱
place into preheated airfryer
400F/200C 氣炸25分鐘
airfry for 25 mins
5. 將籃內醬汁過篩,淋在雞上
sift the sauce left in basket on the thighs


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