|Senvon Vengthar,Lungtrau Veng,New Canaan etc.|Vlog. (EPISODE II)😬

Описание к видео |Senvon Vengthar,Lungtrau Veng,New Canaan etc.|Vlog. (EPISODE II)😬

"My village, Senvon, is one of the most neglected villages in India. It pains me to witness my fellow villagers without proper roads, still isolated from neighboring villages. We have patiently awaited the construction of a metal road connecting our village for centuries. Despite submitting memorandums and placing our trust in various elected representatives, including Chief Ministers, our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Many political leaders have made promises, yet the day of realization remains elusive. Disillusionment has set in among many, as hopes in politicians dwindle. Our grievances may have reached the Central Government, but beyond mere lip service, no action has been taken. Once again, I implore politicians, both at the state and central levels, on behalf of my villagers, to consider what can be done, if only for the sake of our future generations."


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