Carbon capture and storage research at the British Geological Survey

Описание к видео Carbon capture and storage research at the British Geological Survey

The success of the energy transition relies on a range of low-carbon technologies being adopted around the world. Carbon capture and storage is one of these low-carbon technologies.

Carbon dioxide capture and storage can be applied to emissions from large sources such as power stations, cement factories or oil refineries, by storing more CO2 than is produced the negative emissions will enable us to achieve net zero targets. The carbon dioxide, or CO2, is captured at the source then transported and permanently stored in geological formations deep underground.

At the British Geological Survey our research aims to make C02 storage a permanent , useful and cost-effective element of the energy transition. We study:
- The character and capacity of potential storage strata
- How stored CO2 might interact with surrounding rocks
- Technologies to demonstrate that storage is permanent
- Long term operation and closure of a site
- Social attitudes and community concerns.

Carbon dioxide capture and storage can help us to reduce our overall emissions to zero. We are committed to increasing our scientific understanding and addressing gaps in our knowledge to enable it to play a key role in the energy transition.


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