Warframe: Veil Proxima - H2-Wolke (Railjack, Void-Sturm, Gefecht 90-100), Ivara Prime Solo

Описание к видео Warframe: Veil Proxima - H2-Wolke (Railjack, Void-Sturm, Gefecht 90-100), Ivara Prime Solo

#warframe #warframegameplay

Warframe gameplay
+ Skirmish (Railjack)
+ Condition: Void Storm
+ Tileset: Free Space (Empyrean), Asteroid Hangar (Empyrean POI), Missile Platform (Empyrean POI), Abandoned Derelict (Empyrean POI)
+ Location: H2-Cloud (Veil Proxima)
+ Used Warframe: Ivara Prime


Im dritten Anlauf hat es dann trotz schwachem Gameplay noch geklappt: Mit dem Protea Prime Chassis habe ich alle Komponenten für Protea Prime zusammengefarmt und bereits in der Schmiede zusammengesetzt.


On the third attempt, despite the weak gameplay, it still worked: I managed to farm together all the components for Protea Prime with the Protea Prime chassis. It is already being assembled in the forge.


Warframe gameplay on a PcCom Revolt i7 4060 laptop (Intel Core i7-13700H, NVidia RTX4060, 16GB RAM) using Steam on Pop!_OS (for a while).


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