"Tablet of Medicine" a Talk by Dr. Vahid Rafati

Описание к видео "Tablet of Medicine" a Talk by Dr. Vahid Rafati

In this talk, Dr. Vahid Rafati explores the Tablet of Medicine, a mighty work revealed by Baha'u'llah. Dr. Rafati explains that he is not a medical doctor, and instead, he discusses the context of this tablet, medicine in the Islamic Revelation, and the theological issues related to physical wellbeing.

Dr. Vahid Rafati received his B.A degree in Psychology from Tehran University. He subsequently completed his PhD in Islamic Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Rafati has been serving at the Research Department of the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, Israel since 1980 and is the author of numerous articles and books in both Persian and English.

This talk was given at the Grand Canyon Baha'i Conference, 25 December, 2017.

We’d like to thank the organizing committee of the Grand Canyon Baha’i Conference for granting us permission to share this talk with you, and you can find out more about this annual conference here on their website (http://bit.ly/2nRTDDE).

You can listen to the audio version of this talk here on Baha’i Blog’s Soundcloud page: http://bit.ly/2Fp0GrT

You can also listen to a talk Dr. Rafati gave called "Abdu'l-Baha: The Exemplar" on our Soundcloud page: http://bit.ly/2Eco3W2

You can also watch a lecture Dr. Rafati gave at the 2014 ABS conference titled “The Evolving Role of Baha’i Scholarship”: http://bit.ly/2rFX5nd

For more Baha’i-inspired talks, you can visit Baha’i Blog’s Soundcloud page:   / bahai-talks  , or Baha'i Blog's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2ia1Yxp


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