Astolfo wants to save Roland! 【Fate/Grand Order】

Описание к видео Astolfo wants to save Roland! 【Fate/Grand Order】

For real tho, this might be my favorite chapter so far, it really shows up how the Charlemagne Paladins are completely acoustic and I love that! 😂
Thank you so much for being so supportive on my last couple of translations of the great Fate/Grand Order web series, Fujimaru Ritsuka Doesn't Get It! In today's chapter Astolfo is completely distress because his buddy Roland is dying! (kinda lol) Hope you enjoy this new chapter! 😳
Also, there will be a new chapter of Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Wakaranai coming out in a few hours, I will try to translate that chapter as soon as possible, so stay tuned to the channel! 🔥
The full chapters of the Fujimaru Ritsuka Wa Wakaranai are available in the official FGO channel but it's only available in Japanese, the Aniplex USA channel will eventually translate this chapters in like a year or so 😭
Anyways, who is your favorite Charlemagne Paladin in Fate/Grand Order? Would you like to see more clips of Fujimaru Doesn't Get It subbed? Let me know in the comment section! 👀
このビデオでは、「藤丸立香はわからない」の最新アニメチャプターの一部を英語に翻訳しました。そうすることで、世界中の人々が、この最近の章でのアストルフォ, ローランとシャルルマーニュの面白いやり取りを楽しむことができます。
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