STREE - Team Samriddhi X MCC Student Union ||

Описание к видео STREE - Team Samriddhi X MCC Student Union ||

A woman is a symbol of strength and beauty.
She courageously fights every hardship in her life and only emerges stronger after each fight. She is relentless.
Today, we celebrate this quality of women, showing our support and empathy to each and everyone woman out there.

Do watch our performance♥️

Team Samriddhi
The Hathras case has left everyone in the country immensely disturbed. Just knowing that such depraved monsters continue to exist and thrive in our society has left us feeling angry and exasperated. Most of us, living privileged lives, might not even begin to understand the kind of gender and caste discrimination that exists.
We understand and believe that to claim human rights and dignity should not be considered a privilege; it is a universal need and should be made available to each and everyone in our society.
To help us create an awareness about this please sign this petition and help us make a change.

Student Government
Mount Carmel College, Autonomous.

Go to the Cul-Ah! Facebook page to find out more about the events and come for Cul-Ah on 29th, 30th and 31st Jan at Mount Carmel College! See you there!

Facebook:   / cul-ah.  .
Instagram: mccstudentunion
Snapchat: culah
Twitter: @culah2015


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