Hydrophobic Chalk Assortment 💕

Описание к видео Hydrophobic Chalk Assortment 💕

This week is special because tomorrow marks my one year anniversary in this community and most importantly this whole week is known as ‘Holy Week’, the few days before we celebrate the three day Easter liturgy starting from Thursday (Holy Thursday), Friday (Good Friday) and Easter Saturday (aka Easter Triduum). And then of course the big one - Easter Sunday. The most important day in the history of the world and of my faith. Because Christ resurrected after being tortured and killed! Meaning He conquered death, pain and suffering. Meaning we aren’t just living in this world for living sake, that after death in this life, more life awaits. Meaning our God reigns. Meaning the light overcame the darkness. Meaning HOPE. Meaning LOVE. It means EVERYTHING. And it’s so so so significant that we dedicate a whole week to being solemn and reflective and then being joyful by Easter time.

So please accompany me this week in this solemn and reflective mode, followed by major joyfulness.

And what kicked off this Holy Week was yesterday’s Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday celebration. Mass was lovely. We started with a little mini reenactment of Christ riding into Jerusalem and everyone was holding palm branches to symbolize welcoming the King to Jerusalem. It’s crazy how as He entered the city everyone was rejoicing singing praising and Him. But lo and behold, just few days later, those same crowds shouted out to crucify Him. Hmmmm. So nothing has changed then? 2000+ years later and human are still humaning and the devil is deviling. I say this because its so typical in life to think people have got your back only to realize all this time they were simply waiting for your downfall. And in that case what do you do? Well it’s a no brainer. Do what Christ did. Keep doing you, and be ready to embrace whatever outcome for the glory of God. Seek no revenge. Seek not to prove yourself. Just keep doing what you do for the glory of God.

The heart is full. 💕💕💕



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