Sliding Filament Theory Of Muscular Contraction.

Описание к видео Sliding Filament Theory Of Muscular Contraction.

This theory explains the process of muscle contraction during which the thin filaments slide over the thick filaments, that shortens the myofibril.

What is the role of ATP in the sliding filament theory?
ATP releases myosin from the actin filaments. During contraction, myosin attaches to the actin filaments. ATP attaches to the myosin head and releases it from the actin molecule, thereby, causing muscle relaxation.

What is the function of troponin?

Troponin attaches to the protein tropomyosin and lies between actin filaments. Tropomyosin blocks the attachment site for myosin head and prevents contraction in a relaxed muscle.

What is the role of a cross-bridge?
A cross-bridge Is the attachment of myosin to actin in a muscle cell. All types of muscles contract by cross-bridge cycling. This means repeated attachment of actin and myosin within the cell.


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