Are Catholics Right to be Angry?

Описание к видео Are Catholics Right to be Angry?

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My goal with publishing on YouTube has been to try to inspire people to take the claims of the Christianity and the Church, seriously. And why is that? Well, if I’m going to psychoanalyze myself, if I consider the weaker parts of my character, it might be for tribalistic reasons, because I want to see my tribe strengthened.

But I also know there’s a big part of me, and I’d like to think it’s the bigger part, that wants to see others benefit from those claims in the way that I have. And that’s merely anecdotal, I know. But I have an intimate understanding of the difference between Catholic Brian and, let’s say Pagan Brian. Because I’ve lived both of those lives.

Pagan Brian was directionless, hopeless, struggling to realize any of the goals I wanted in life, and ultimately depressed and lonely. Catholic Brian still has adversities, and probably quite a few more given how much more I’ve taken on it in life, but it’s a life in which I have hope, I have confidence in my moral direction, in which I’m surrounded by the kinds of people and friendships that I would not trade for my former life. In which I’m able to fall asleep at nice, peacefully after having been renewed in grace and confidence in the ultimate good of this life, no matter what I experienced during the day and whatever regrets I might have.

If you subtract Pagan Brian from Catholic Brian, you end up with a difference that is precious and so good, that I desperately want other people to experience it as well. That’s what motivates me to sacrifice a good portion of my work week, and therefore my income, to doing this. Kind of thing.

But more and more, we find ourselves, as Catholics having to fight internal battles which for outsiders looking in, isn’t a great way say, hey, you should become Catholic too.

#popefrancis #catholicchurch #catholicnews #churchabuse

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

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