【安在家中都可以玩到過山車⁉️ 動感快車衝埋嚟幫你消滯!😜】

Описание к видео 【安在家中都可以玩到過山車⁉️ 動感快車衝埋嚟幫你消滯!😜】

【安在家中都可以玩到過山車⁉️ 動感快車衝埋嚟幫你消滯!😜】
新年大家坐喺屋企咁耐,又食咗咁多賀年食品,係時候要郁吓消消滯啦!今日小編一於帶大家坐過山車,一齊郁吓個body~ 就算留喺屋企都一樣可以體驗動感之旅㗎🎢 !爽呀😆!
[The “Hair Raiser” is going to help you with digestion!]
We know that all of you must have eaten a lot of Chinese New Year foods and snacks at home! What about getting your adrenaline rush to shake off some calories with the “Hair Raiser”? You could now experience the “Hair Raiser” ride while watching this video at home!
Do you miss getting your “hair raised” by the Park’s exciting rides? They are waiting for you and your friends to ride together after the park reopens!
#hkoceanpark #OPRides #VirtualRide #RollerCoaster #HairRaiser #海洋公園 #機動遊戲 #動感快車 #雙腳懸空設計 #過山車


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