Kamelot - Serenade & Epilogue

Описание к видео Kamelot - Serenade & Epilogue

Interlude III (Midnight - Twelve Tolls for a New Day), Serenade, and Epilogue from Kamelot's The Black Halo, 2005.
Copyright © Kamelot. All Rights Reserved.

Interlude III (Midnight - Twelve Tolls for a New Day) Lyrics:
Life has never been better
Than it is right now
(Happy new year)
And finally, while I still have your attention
I want to wish you all a happy new

Happy new year

Serenade Lyrics:
Songs of pain and soothing lullabies
Songs of happiness
And some that make us cry

One song we share
The cross we all bear
One that segregates
One that unifies

All we wonder
No one ever denies
If once given life we must die

So bow down with me
Where summer fades into fall
And leave your hatchets of hate

Bow down with me
And sing the saddest of all
The song we all serenade

The more we know
The less we understand
Life, eternity
The savagery of man

We want it all
Aimed at the fall
What is destiny
Within the masterplan

All we wonder
No one ever denies
If once given life we must die

So bow down with me
Where summer fades into fall
And leave your hatchets of hate

Bow down with me
And sing the saddest of all
The song we all serenade

Hold on now
Don't leave don't let it go
Dance away
The waltz of life

Right or wrong
The seed we never sow
That's our loss
Our sacrifice

What does the winter bring
If not yet another spring

So bow down with me
Where summer fades into fall
And leave your hatchets of hate

Bow down with me
And sing the saddest of all
The song we all serenade

Epilogue Lyrics:
One other year has left my life
One year bygone so soon
These were the days I sacrificed
These days were lived for you

Some came with winter in white
Some days were blown away
Some came with sultry summer nights
Some with October rain

Oh, how I long for utter silence
But who am I to know
When rain will turn to snow?
If life brings another day


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