Showing off my Operators that I got for 3 or 4 years

Описание к видео Showing off my Operators that I got for 3 or 4 years

Times like this is a good time to "show and tell" to everyone on the internet.

Even though I'm a young adult that is going to be an adult after my 30s. "ah I'm old"

So I hope that you too. May or may not show what you have collected in times like this. That you may cherish in a video.

Looking back in a video felt like a treasure to you. So cherish it. Remember what you did, Remember what you have done, Remember what makes YOU. Yourself. As a Person.

Walk your own path.

It's okay to ask to a stranger for help. Even though they're weird. You too also weird to people / friends that saw what you are. hehe (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

I know this is a very embarrassing words that came from your past-self.

Just don't give up what you are searching for. Job... hey! wtf! go find / search job! ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

And also someone who care and accept you what you are. Even though you're dumb. hehe (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

So... Don't give up in life. You have two legs and two arms and hands that works.

If you're still sad and having low-self esteem again.
Go eat Samyang Carbonara Noodles. (Don't pick Spicy version again...)

Using Phone Android: Oppo 76A 4G.



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