1980 [60fps] Crazy Climber 611600pts

Описание к видео 1980 [60fps] Crazy Climber 611600pts

クレイジークライマー / Crazy Climber (Japan) Nichibutsu 1980 611600点 Player なび 収録Ver ThunderMAME32UI+0.143X おはようございますっ!こんにちはっ!はーーいっ!こんばんはっ!はいっ!ごきげんさっ!(^^) 2448銀河年ぶりです。なびです。いつものように(まくーーがあーーき)遊んでいたら1周ノーミス込みで新記録が出ました。うれしいですね(^^) めざせ100万点!越え それでは弱気になりましたら誰より早く海で逢いましょうあなたと私って事でこの辺で失礼いたします。すいはんき

Game replay site https://replayburners.blog.jp


CPU構成[Z80] 音源チップ[AY-3-8910, Custom]

ゲームファンの間で名作と語られる「クレイジークライマー」。 ビルをよじ登る主人公の両手を操作するのにツインレバーを採用したという点には、ただただ感心するばかりである。 ビルの屋上までよじ登り、 うまくヘリコプターにつかまれば、 ラウンドクリアとなるが、ゴリラの登場や、植木鉢が落ちてくるなど、ユニークな障害が待ち受けている。 音声合成による「ガンバレ」の声援や、落ちていく時の「アー!」がとても印象的である。

Crazy Climber (c) 1980 Nichibutsu [Nihon Bussan Co., Ltd.].

Crazy Climber is a 2-D, strategy style game. The game is strategic in the fact that you must plan your moves as you climb up the building and anticipate the hazards that await you. You start out the game at the bottom of a building to be scaled. As you climb up the building, you will be assailed by bald people throwing flowerpots, signs with loose electrical wires, very large apes, falling signs, trash and barbells, and a bird that likes to drop bad things on your character. Your goal is to make it to the top of the building and catch the helicopter, which will transport you to the next building to be scaled. Of course, you will be rewarded for quickly making it up the building by getting a bonus (that is as long as you can catch the helicopter). The things one does for publicity.


The game was released in several different cabinet styles. Taito licensed the game from Nichibutsu and released it in the US in a generic orange 'Taito' cabinet with Americanized artwork. A cabaret version of the game was also created.

Nichibutsu's standard cabinet was shaped similar to the Taito cabinet, but it had a plain white exterior with the Crazy Climber logo from the marquee on the kick plate and diagonally on the sides. The marquee and monitor bezel art are very vibrant, using many custom fluorescent colors. The control panel is black painted metal with artwork painted on in orange, white and red. The marquee had no backlight.

Nichibutsu's deluxe cabinet was taller and had a very unusual control panel. The panel attached to the front of the cabinet separately and was metal covered with a curved piece of plexiglass. Full color artwork of the climber scaling the outside of a building is silkscreened onto the curved plexi. The instruction sheet was moved from its position on the standard cabinet's monitor bezel to a window on the control panel. The deluxe cabinet also used several Nintendo parts, including the same type monitor (Sanyo 20EZ) and the same style of coin mechs used by games like "Donkey Kong", "Donkey Kong Junior", et. al.

Prom Stickers : CC

Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : AY8910 (@ 1.536 Mhz), Discrete circuitry

Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 256 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 96

Players : 2
Control : Double 8-way joysticks


Crazy Climber was released in October 1980. It was Fujiwara's first game.


Each building has a STEP POINT heading. This indicates how many points you get for each window you successfully climb to. You also start out with a certain amount of bonus points per building. On buildings one and two, they decrease by 100 about every 2 seconds while on buildings three and four they decrease by 200 points about every 2 seconds. Below are listed the STEP POINT and BONUS
RATE points :
Building 1 - Step Point : 100 - Bonus Rate : 10000
Building 2 - Step Point : 150 - Bonus Rate : 20000
Building 3 - Step Point : 200 - Bonus Rate : 30000
Building 4 - Step Point : 250 - Bonus Rate : 40000


1. Crazy Climber (1980)
2. Crazy Climber 2 (1988)
3. Hyper Crazy Climber (1996, Sony PlayStation)
4. Crazy Climber 2000 (2000, Sony PlayStation)


Designed and programmed by : Shigeki Fujiwara


Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
F.A.Q. by Kevin Butler A.K.A. War Doc


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