2 Boxing & Reverse Boosting - The COD Community Collectively Share ONE Brain Cell lol

Описание к видео 2 Boxing & Reverse Boosting - The COD Community Collectively Share ONE Brain Cell lol

#blackops6 #callofduty #cod #bo6 #blackops6 #nuketown #season1 #warzone #area99

Strict SBMM in public matches is disgusting by itself. Call of duty's matchmaking is A LOT more complex than just skill. More than EOMM & SBMM. This toxic matchmaking doesn't belong in any video game it causes more problems than it solves. You're never going to convince me that playing people of less skill in a pub is cheating. And you just exposed yourself to everybody that you're a new gen if you believe it is. The COD community has the lowest collective IQ in gaming


Black Ops 6 & Warzone Season 1 Extraction & Nuketown PS5 Gameplay

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